Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Here are my funny little kids. My husband was taking pictures but didn't realize the Lauren doesn't have her witch hat on.

Lauren with her witch hat. A couple of weeks ago I was getting her costume ready and she said that she needed a broom with her costume. I found a real broom at Hobby Lobby. She was very disappointed and said that she didn't want a "decoration" broom she only wanted a "kid" broom she could play with. I understood where she was coming from and found a kid broom at a party store. Note - she never even took it trick or treating.

Johnathan is Captain Jack Sparrow. He picked out his costume and was very particular about what he would be. He liked the fact that he got to wear a beard and long breaded hair. His hair kept getting in is face so he would swing his head around to get it away. It gave him a good pirate sway.

Luke is Bob the Builder. He loves watching Bob the Builder and loves tools. I thought that would be a good fit. The trick with him is to let him wear something he likes otherwise the costume won't last. Luke is doing our families famous "Gun's Up" move. We learned this when we came to Texas. They do at Texas Tech. Point your fingers in air like guns.

Our Mr. and Mrs. Potato head pumpkins. Lauren's is a princess, Luke's is a skeleton and Johnathan is not in the picture but it is a pirate. Very fun, easy and a lot less mess then carving pumpkins.

What a fun day way too much candy and sweets. My stomach hurts just thinking about all the junk I have eatin over the past couple of days. Can't wait to make it back to the gym.


Katie said...

The kids look AWESOME! They totally look the part with their costumes! Johnny soooo looks like Jack Sparrow! I miss the babies tons!

Stephanie said...

The kids look great! I need to adopt your pumpkin idea... good way to simplify and still make it fun for the kids. Lauren is growing up! She looks beautiful with those curls.

Katie said...


Melissa said...

Lauren looks GORGEOUS (how Lauren says it) with those curls!!! The kids looked so cute in their costumes. I was laughing so hard at Johnny, you can tell he was taking his role seriously with the mustache and all. Very cute! Little Luke looked just like BOB, Owie and dunk loved the pictures.