Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Johnathan had his Kindergarten Graduation. His award was for "Great Participation". We went to lunch after the program and I asked him if he knew what great participation meant? He said NO, not really. I had to explain that it was someone who likes doing things and giving things a try. I said that it was a really good award to get. He said OK. I don't know if it made any impact or not. At least he knows what it means now.

Isn't he so cute. I can't believe how big he is getting.


The Tremendous Thomas Family said...

He looks so grown up and cute at the same time! They get big so fast!

Katie said...

Another Whitby walking with a cap-he just has about 4 more to go! Great job, Johnathan!

Cami said...

Congrats - what a big milestone. Alex has his this Thurs. Are you coming to Utah this summer?