Saturday, January 9, 2010

Unforgetable Christmas Eve

We had Christmas Eve at my sister's house. It started out like our regular Christmas party but it didn't end up that way. We did our gift exchange and then we did our traditional Nativity Scene where the grand kids dress up while Grandpa reads the story. Every year the kids are so cute and it is fun to watch as they play different parts every year. This year was difficult because we didn't have a baby Jesus. Thankfully my sister's dog Molly filled in the part. She was so darling. Can you believe that she laid on her back with her paws in the air for about 5-10 minutes without moving. She did a great job and all the adults and the kids got a big kick out of it. I wish I could post the real video but it is too long. One of the funniest things I have seen, something I won't forget.

Gift exchange with the cousins.

Lauren and her cousin Emma. They are such cute little pals.

This bag is almost as big as Luke.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Christmas looked so fun. I got the biggest laugh out of Molly! she's such a good dog. I love the doll house, we would have loved it as little kids.